38th Anniversary Banquet
August 28, 2023
As time flies and years pass by, in this historic city of Guangzhou, there stands a hotel that has blossomed for 38 years, imprinting memories for generations and witnessing numerous precious moments.
P a s t E v e n t s
368 Huanshi Dong Road, Guangzhou, China
Tel: (86-20) 8333 8989 Fax: (86-20) 8335 0467
General Inquiries: bc@gardenhotel.com
Reservations: rsvn@gardenhotel.com
Hong Kong Sales Office
Tel: (852) 2887 9293 Fax: (852) 2887 5757
Mobile: (852) 9808 0925
Email: connie.leung@gardenhotel.com
GuangZhou Sales Office
Tel: (86-20) 8333 8989
Mobile: (86) 189 2625 8594
Email: anny.zhu@gardenhotel.com